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Math Question?
  SeanBam, Aug 13 2014

My cousin needs help with this equation and I do not know anything in this area.

I need the mean of [alpha]*exp(-[beta] *x ), since the standard equation for an exponential is [lambda]*e(-[lambda]*x) and the mean of that is [lambda]**(-1), I can then state that the mean of my equation is [alpha]/[beta] * [beta] ** (-1) which is alpha ... right? RIGHT??

edit: [alpha]/[beta**2] .... which doesn't make sense in light of my data

I know some of you guys are really smart, and not many people have tried to help her with this.

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Growing up?
  SeanBam, Jul 31 2013

I just read through my some of my previous blog posts and really enjoyed remembering where I was years ago. Warningthis will not be a blog post about how I'm a millionaire now and living on cloud 9. I wanted to keep writing here so when I do feel the need to do this again I hope I would appreciate this blog entry. I've been lurking LP for years, only recently posting in the MMA betting forums. However, the first place I look at are the blogs because I have learned a great deal from a lot of them and the comments are usually pretty fun to read. Which leads me to my next point I miss Neilly. I wish that could would write a blog still.

So my previous blog post (abridged version) I just moved to Oregon had lived their for 6 months with my girlfriend. I took the firefighting exam failed it and then worked for Greenpeace before playing poker again.

So, both are things are over. My girlfriend Samantha broke up with me in Portland because she wanted to move back to California. I remember that being really hard for me. When she told me she was thinking about moving back to California, I remember telling her to do it. Not that I didn't love her, it was just that after my previous relationship I didn't want to deal with a back and forth struggle of should we break up or not. So I told her to just go, if she thinks she will like it there and be better I thought she should go. Well she did. And, I took it hard. However, I did not call her or anything like that for months. Well, 6 months later we talk and we're friends and she comes back to Portland. Needless to say she has been a great friend for 3 years. So word of the wise, when you get older and relationships end just take it easy and let it be. Takes too much energy worrying the relationship that just ended.

As for Poker I quit for good about a year ago. After being unsuccessful at poker since my last blog post, I ended up working for Netflix as a customer service representative for the next 2 years. The job paid well for customer service at 40k a year. I like a lot of things I do I decided I was going to be the best at it. I ended up being in the top 3% on the company and was interviewed and then offered a job in Los Gatos, CA at their corporate headquarters. They were to pay me 10k for the move and then raise my salary to 60k a year. I decided however that I really wanted this job as a "Student Coach". I got up to my last interview with them when Netflix offered me the corporate job. I was told by my friend who worked as a student coach that no one has ever not gotten the job after getting all the way up to the final interview. I decided I didn't like Netflix and declined the promotion. Later, that week I found out that what my friend said wasn't true. I in fact, did not get hired as I had basically bombed my final interview.

At this point I was feeling really bad about what had happened. I shot myself in the foot by declining a promotion to get a job that I didn't even have. At this point I was kind of lost and stuck out being at Netflix even though I hated this job even more because of being so close to being out. At this point of the story is where I meet Brianna my current girlfriend. We met at Netflix and moved really quickly. She had a boyfriend and before long she dumped him for me. We moved in together really fast like after a month. We continue to still live together today. She is a wonderful girl who finally lets me be me and I cannot get rid of her if i tried. I'd like to dedicate more of my relationships good and bad but I'd have to write a whole separate blog and this is already getting way too long.

So, after a while at Netflix I just started to hate it unbearably. The customers sucked, middle management was horrid, and everyone was miserable. I broke every rule got written up a record 13 times. However, every time the higher ups intervened and kept me because I worked 2x more proficiently then every goal the company had for the center. Eventually, I would drink and smoke pot every night because I hated having to go to work the next day. One day I walked in and decided I couldn't do it anymore and just walked out the door. Never stepped foot in the office again.

This was in fact as most of you know, pretty fucking stupid. I didn't have income anymore and it wasn't like I saved. So, I got food stamps. $200 a month from the state of Oregon. I then decided after non successfully finding a job and committing to look for one I decided I should try and get unemployment even though I quit. Somehow, in the end after Netflix fighting it tooth and nail I was awarded unemployment. I was getting $460 pretaxes a week for Unemployment. I at this point think I'm a bad ass because I stuck it to Netflix. However, at this point I started to get really depressed.

I didn't go out anymore even though I had loads of free time. I was hardly thinking and my days, then weeks, then months started passing me by. By the 9 month period of being unemployed I felt like a caged animal mentally, emotionally, and physically. I would come up with budgets to abide by, and then stocks to invest in, and researched different ways to invest. There was the whole problem that I was just on unemployment and was in a decent amount of debt. So, something had to change. But what?

One night I was talking to my Aunt who lives in Delaware and every year she invites me down to the beach house to live and work for the summer and every year I say no. This time I of course did my whole no Aunt Donna it's fine speech and left it at that. The next week me and my girlfriend are out at dinner and I tell her what my Aunt said. Brianna was like, we should do it. Let's live on the East Coast for the summer. I then of course had to take it to an extreme and plan out a whole long term plan on the east cost.

So, this brings us up to the current situation I'm in. I'm living in DE with Brianna. I'm an assistant swim coach for a club team down here as well as a lifeguard. And Brianna is serving in a restaurant. I just got a job in NY working as a Physical Therapy Aide and will be taking one more class so I can apply for dPT school hopefully for 2015. Brianna wants to go to school for nursing and will be getting her pre reqs for Nursing starting this fall.

I kind of feel now that I'm growing up a bit more. I'm actually trying to attain a career that allows me to be financially dependent and also flexible. I've found out from these past couple years that having money is important for if not anything but the fact that it allows you to actually be free. I can't wait to go to a bar with friends and worry that the tab will force me to miss meals the following week. Coaching this summer has also made me want to work in a job where I can slowly see people progress.

I have a lot of work to be done in order to go to dPT school. I hope when I look at this blog next I'm in dPT school or a licensed physical therapist and I appreciate this blog post. But, the good thing about life is that even if I did't go for my dPT I'd still appreciate this blog post. So I don't know if anyone will read this, I can't believe I wrote so much. But I hope someone can relate to my experiences this year as I have learned from a lot of you. Thank you, I love this site.

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Ducks vs Beavers
  SeanBam, Dec 04 2010

I'll take action up to $400 on the duck -16.5. PM me or reply in here and i will confirm it.

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